Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ouch! Newspapers in big trouble

As bad as things are for print directories and other companies, newspapers seem to be taking the worst of the downturn, both in print and in the economy.  And it keeps accelerating...

From Terrible To Terrifying: Newspaper Ad Sales Plummet $2.6 Billion In Q1 2009

Google Launches Dashboard for Small Businesses

In another attempt to get Small Businesses interacting with their Local Platform, Google is offering them a web dashboard with detailed analytics and the ability to easily update their business profiles.  Looks like a good offering, but as always with Google attempts at luring SMBs, the question is if SMBs will self service.  As I always hear in this space, "small business don't buy advertising, they have it sold to them".  I'm starting to believe that and while G has a lot of SMBs in their adwords program, I think it's still too complex for most.  This looks simpler, but still not sure if people will self-service.  Nonetheless, Google is making it clear that this is an area they tend to continue working on and some day, they may get it done...

Google Local Lures Small Businesses With Their Own Web Dashboard