Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yelp Improving their iPhone App Even More

Not content with having the best local app for dining and entertainment reviews, Yelp is upgrading their app once again, and in some really smart ways.  The real benefit of a local device like the iPhone with good customer penetration and wide distribution is not just in sending information to it in a one-way flow.  The real long-term potential is using all of those distributed users as a way to collect and share information.  Yelp had some aspects of that in their previous version, and CitySearch has done that with its app as well, but Yelp is now taking it one step further.  The new app uses GPS more heavily, to allow you to more easily find a business you are currently at and provide a review about it, and also offers a new, shorter review format called "quick tips", which gets past the barrier users have trying to leave long reviews with the iPhone keyboard.  I'm anxiously awaiting this app and think it's going to be a huge winner for Yelp.

Yelp Focuses On Mobile, New And Improved iPhone App Coming Soon

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