Thursday, March 26, 2009

SuperPages Advertising SuperGuarantee Everywhere

A couple days ago, on his blog, Greg Sterling showed one of the new TV ads that Idearc has debuted. Today, in a story completely unrelated to local and YPs, TechCrunch posts a huge screenshot talking about how instant messaging service Meebo has turned their entire wallpaper into an ad. And who bought that ad space? SuperPages, to promote their SuperGuarantee product. Apparently, they are seeing that as the growth engine for their company, or at least a tool they can use to differentiate themselves for branding and advertising purposes. As I said before, I doubt any percentage of their users will register for this, send a lead form for it, or collect money on it, but they are at least being very aggressive trying to get the message out there.

Meebo Turns Into One Big Ad, But Users Seem To Like It

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